DAY 1 - Tuesday, 21 May 2024

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Surface Mining


Green revolution: Navigating the decarbonization frontier

Meheroop Chopra
Head of Green Power
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Fortescue, an integrated green technology, energy and metals company, is pushing the boundaries in zero emissions mining technology and power generation – not just to meet its own ambitious decarbonisation targets laid out in its Real Zero by 2030 plan, but also to support decarbonisation of the wider mining industry. The company is looking to leverage many different green energy options to power its operations – renewables, hydrogen, ammonia, and more. And, at the same time, it is accelerating change on the mobile equipment side of the decarbonisation equation through its Fortescue Energy green fleet division – which has achieved several milestones related to hydrogen and battery operation of haul trucks and drill rigs, in addition to powering an electric excavator off hydrogen power. In this presentation, learn how the company is leveraging new thinking, new technology and new project development pathways to accelerate its electrification and decarbonisation efforts, all with its Real Zero by 2030 plan in mind.

Surface Mining


Exploring electrification to 2035: there are no silver bullets

Paul Lucey
Principle Mine Electrification & Technology

Decarbonisation often comes with complexity and challenges for businesses. Developing transitional technologies is a way in which mining companies can make significant reductions in their emissions whilst limiting disruption to their business. Whole scale adoption of battery electric mobile mining equipment is unlikely to either viable or even possible for large sections of the mining community in 2030, which will mean that understanding alternative pathways for emissions reduction will become critical to maintaining viable operations whilst hitting your reduction targets. Hybridisation, AI and alternative haulage methods are all likely to play their part and knowing when to apply them will be strategically important.

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Surface Mining


Don't be fooled, batteries are cheap

Jonas Ranggård
Manager, Mines Climate and Energy Program
Boliden Mines

“Batteries are not suitable for uphill haul” – this might the most common misconception within the mining industry. This is only true if your batteries are expensive. But are batteries expensive?  Looking outside the mining industry, the answer is no. What is happening on public road transportation is that they have already reached energy throughput costs lower than diesel; making batteries more profitable the more you cycle them. The industry needs to plan charging strategies not based on what mining battery packs cost today, but what they will cost in a few years. Don’t believe me? Look east.

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Underground Mining


The market challenge of electrification

Adrian Beer
former CEO
METS Ignited

The goal of sustainability in the context of a low emissions future is transforming every industry sector. This impacts every aspect of the energy cycle; methods of generation, of transmission, of distribution, the way we store energy in what form, and how and when we consume it. This is a revolution, not an evolution, with time and urgency creating enormous pressure. Our sector feels the impact more than most – not just because we are a capital intensive, energy intensive and emission intensive. We must both supply the minerals required to support a clean energy transition, while transforming within to ensure they are sourced in a more sustainable manner. Our complexity as an industry makes us hard to help – and competition for solutions are fierce. In this presentation, we look at the competitive landscape for electrification solutions; what can we do as an industry to attract the solutions we need today

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Underground Mining

The World's First All-Electric Mine: The race is on

Developing an all-electric battery trolley truck system

Mehrzad Ashnagaran
Global Product Line Manager Electrification
Franck Boudreault
Underground Application Expert Electrification

Developing an all-electric battery trolley truck system: Boliden, Epiroc and ABB recently passed a new technology milestone by successfully deploying the first fully battery-electric truck trolley system on an 8,000-m long underground mine test track in Sweden, with a 13% incline. The achievement means the mining industry is a step closer to realising the all-electric mine of the future, with sustainable, productive operations and improved working conditions, according to the partners. Find out more about this latest milestone at Boliden’s Kristineberg mine and the three-year journey the partners have been on in this in-depth talk.

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Surface Mining

Phasing in the Electric Mine

The road to reducing emissions looks different for everyone – every site is unique; therefore, every roadmap must be customised to meet the evolving needs of our customers’ businesses while still supporting their daily operations. At Caterpillar, we are designing solutions to help our customers now and through the energy transition. From diesel to diesel-electric to fully-electric options, there is something for every step of the journey. Join Caterpillar Vice President and General Manager, Sean McGinnis, to learn more about this unique roadmap approach and how the “key ingredients” of technology, change enablement and industry learning are applied to deliver a holistic, customised solution for each of our customers.

The road to reducing emissions

Sean McGinnis
Vice President of Technology & Global Sales Support
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Underground Mining

The World's First All-Electric Mine: The race is on

Planning the all-electric mine: key learnings from the Cosmos Underground electrification study

Chris Carr
Acting Chief Operating Officer

Planning the all-electric mine: In line with its commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2035, IGO (supported by Perenti and ABB) undertook a prefeasibility study into converting the diesel underground mining fleet at its Cosmos operation to 100% battery-electric vehicles (BEV). The study concluded that a 100% BEV fleet was technically feasible when supported by a hoisting shaft to surface. While a purely financial evaluation indicated conversion to a BEV fleet came at a net present cost, the overall business case is compelling when ESG factors are considered. Leveraging the most value from a BEV fleet will require mines to implement state-of-the-art underground networks and to adopt rigorous shift planning and management practices. One key challenge encountered in the study was a paucity of real-world data, particularly for BEV LHDs and trucks. The electrification of ancillary fleet or light vehicles may offer a lower-risk path for miners keen to commence their fleet electrification journey while the industry works to address this data gap.

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Surface Mining

The role of collaboration in hitting net zero

Partnership in practice: AMSA and ABB collaborate on copper decarbonisation roadmap

Ratna Kanth Dittakavi
Global eMine™ Sales Manager
Tomás Nass
Decarbonization Manager
Antofagasta Minerals   

Partnership in Practice: Antofagasta Minerals’ purpose of ‘Developing Mining for a Better Future’ has seen the Chile-based copper producer lead from the front in terms of decarbonisation. In the field of electrification, the company has played a key role in furthering research on the use of hydrogen fuel cells in haulage applications in mine site conditions thought its HYDRA Consortium involvement, integrated fully renewable power across all its Chile-based mines, and tested the development of both battery-powered trucks and trolley assist technologies. Following the achievement of an initial emissions reduction target of cutting both its Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon dioxide emissions by 300,000 tonnes of CO2e between 2018 and 2022 – a goal it achieved two years early and continued the decarbonisation path reducing over 928,000 tonnes of CO2e by 2022 – the company announced a more ambitious target in February 2023. This looked to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and reduce emissions by 50% by 2035, relative to 2020 performance. ABB has partnered with the copper producer to help achieve these goals, in the process highlighting its own Real Progress sustainability initiative, which is designed to help customers through their energy transition. Learn more about this unique partnership in the joint presentation.

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Underground Mining

Panel Talk

Movers and shakers – The case for early BEV adoption

Tommi Valkonen (Moderator)
Strategy Manager, Electrification
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions
Daniel Burger
Chief Advisor Underground Technology
Rio Tinto

Darren Kwok
Head of Mining Electrification and Technology
Pat Boniwell
Managing Director
Byrnecut Australia

Movers and shakers: I move if you move. Most miners today see the case for electrification and the logic of decarbonisation. Adoption of battery-electric equipment is accelerating fast, but uptake is patchy and limited to a few leading companies. Uncertainties are many and there is risk to early adoption. Whose responsibility is it to take initiative? What are the benefits and potential pitfalls of being ahead of the curve? In this panel we will explore how, who and why to take the lead.

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Surface Mining

The role of collaboration in hitting net zero

Reducing the production impact of electrification through digital integration and collaboration

Jarym Kowalchuck
Head of Product - Load & Haul

Reducing the production impact of electrification:  The move to electrified mining equipment will add operational constraints around machine operation and out-of-cycle activities to enable recharging. These constraints could be significantly mitigated with short-term planning combined with a fleet management system that takes these constraints into consideration. In this presentation, we will explore these opportunities that could reduce the production impact from electrification and accelerate a green transition for the mining industry

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Surface Mining

The role of collaboration in hitting net zero

Digging deeper – Electrification in hydraulic mining excavators

Thomas Harsk
Business Development Manager
Komatsu Germany GmbH
Martin Luckock
Oceania Sales and Business Support Manager Komatsu Germany GmbH

Digging deeper:  Widespread electrification of the energy systems needed to power society’s future is a critical component of the global effort to transition to a sustainable future. Particularly in mining, electrification is emerging as a pivotal factor in reducing emissions and achieving cost savings. This presentation highlights a comprehensive business case of electrifying a hydraulic mining excavator – both from a carbon footprint and total cost of ownership perspective. Moreover, we provide a detailed case study on converting a diesel-powered hydraulic mining excavator to electric drive in a Zambian copper mine in 2019. The study highlights the benefits of mid-life conversions, illustrating their potential to enhance efficiency and give equipment a second life.

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Underground Mining

Panel Talk

Tackling the carbon reduction challenge one step at a time

Mark Ryan (Moderator)
Vice President, Equipment Offering & New Technology
Hans Möhle
Mining Consultant/Engineer
Hatch Pty Ltd
Dr. Max Ong
Principal Projects Officer – Technology
Byrnecut Mining
Paul Linabury
Manager Electrification
Perenti Contract Mining
Chris Carr
Acting Chief Operating Officer
IGO Limited

Tackling the carbon reduction challenge one step at a time: The panel discussion will be centred around strategies for achieving carbon reduction goals in the context of equipment adaptation in mines and what complementary technologies will play a role in transforming the mining industry.
Key topics include:
1. Short-term and long-term goals;
2. Drivers for zero-emission equipment
3. Challenges and solutions
4. Operational benefits;
5. Future outlook
6. Beyond BEVs
7. and Industry role
The panel will emphasise on collaboration, innovation and a holistic approach to achieve sustainable carbon reduction.

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Surface Mining

The role of collaboration in hitting net zero

Status, vision and roadmap for surface drilling electrification

Lauri Laihanen
Vice President, R&D and Product Management
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions

Status, vision and roadmap for surface drilling electrification:  Surface mines are increasingly looking for sustainable solutions for their operations, electrification being one of the main methods of achieving this goal. This presentation explores the work Sandvik is doing to support this transition today and in the future. We delve deeper into what electrification will look like for different drilling applications and how it can tackle the challenges the market is facing when reaching for more sustainable mining. We also address how different methods of electrification offer increased flexibility in future mine operations.

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Surface Mining

Short-Term Emission Wins Today

Learnings from introducing an electric shovel into a fleet of diesel backhoes

Pieter Doelman
Open Pit Mine Manager, Macraes

Learnings from introducing an electric shovel into a fleet of diesel backhoes: OceanaGold recently commissioned a new Hitachi electric hydraulic shovel, adding it into its existing fleet of diesel backhoes at its Macraes gold mine in Otago, New Zealand. This presentation covers the rationale for the purchase of this machine, the issues encountered when commissioning, and reviews actual performance to date. The shovel became operational in February 2024, nearly one year later than planned. This was largely due to inadequacies with the high voltage power supply to the shovel. Since becoming operational, the shovel has performed to expectation and operational unit costs are in line with budgets. This shovel is expected to reduce Macraes Scope 1 and 2 emissions by about 3,600 t CO2e per annum, which represents 5% of the site’s total emissions for 2022.

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Underground Mining

Reasons and routes to Electrify

Navigating the adoption phase: insights and solutions

Brian Huff
Vice President of New Technology, Load and Haul
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions

Navigating the adoption phase: As underground mining progresses towards broader adoption of electrification, a significant challenge emerges in encouraging widespread participation in this transformation. This presentation explores the solutions necessary to promote industry-wide acceptance. We discuss essential end-to-end support services, including application simulations, innovative second-life battery solutions and flexible equipment options tailored to diverse operational contexts. With a focus on Australia’s deep ramp mines and the intricacies of contract mining, we shed light on identifying tailored electrification solutions.

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Surface Mining

Short-Term Emission Wins Today

Accelerating mining’s path to zero emissions: the role of Hybrid EV retrofits

Julian Soles
President & CEO
First Mode

Accelerating mining’s path to zero emissions: The global clean energy transition will not be carbon-neutral unless heavy industry, including mining, decarbonises their operations. In mine haulage, a typical heavy-haul truck burns about one million litres of diesel fuel annually and remains in operation for 10-15 years. First Mode’s hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) retrofit leapfrogs these constraints, providing a cost-effective entry point that reduces your existing truck’s fuel usage and emissions by up to 25%. Its “feed forward” design also enables an upgrade to our full battery EV or fuel cell EV retrofit, each of which significantly reduces lifecycle emissions when powered by clean energy.

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Underground Mining

Reasons and routes to Electrify

Sparking change: solving mine electrification challenges

Tony Sprague
MasterMined Innovation

Sparking change: Solving mine electrification challenges: Dynamic charging solutions for battery-electric vehicles represent a transformative advancement in both open-pit and underground haulage and loading operations. Whether it’s a truck, LHD, or production support machine like a grader, the capability to utilise dynamic charging sources will facilitate the broader adoption of more cost-effective, sustainable and higher performing electric vehicles for loading and haulage purposes. This presentation will cover a number of sub-projects that collectively contribute to the development of viable future haulage solutions in mining.

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Surface Mining

Short-Term Emission Wins Today

Planning for real-world practicalities in the implementation of IPCC or trolley assist

Bob McCarthy
Principal Consultant
SRK Consulting
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Planning for real-world practicalities in the implementation of IPCC or trolley assist: The electrification of mines is a hot topic these days, as miners define decarbonisation strategies that include GHG emission reduction targets that are tangibly close. Consequently, much effort is being placed on designing or adapting mines with electrification in mind. One of the more challenging areas for electrification in open-pit mines is around haulage. Current available technologies that meet this challenge are in-pit crushing and conveying (IPCC) and trolley assist. However, these technologies face their own headwinds in adoption and implementation. They represent significant change in mining organisation – whether it be transitional or transformational change. With this change, there is a level of uncertainty in the realised benefits. There are theoretical, calculated benefits, but then there are the challenges in achieving these. Paramount to the success of implementing IPCC and trolley assist is proper mine planning. This presentation runs through some of the mine planning principles needed to ensure that IPCC and trolley assist are appropriately evaluated. But even good mine planning is not enough to prepare miners for these technological changes. How organisations can prepare for and manage these changes is also discussed.

Underground Mining

Reasons and routes to Electrify

A zero emissions testing ground – the New Energy Zone at the Australian Automation and Robotics Precint

Tamryn Barker
National Leader
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A zero emissions testing ground – The New Energy Zone at the Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct: Just 25 mins drive from Perth CBD, the Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct (AARP) is a unique development and testing ground for the future of automation, robotics, remote operations and zero emission technology in Western Australia. Sitting across 51 hectares - making it Australia's largest test landscape – mining companies, key technology suppliers and OEMs can utilise the facility to accelerate industrial technology development and scaling, without interrupting on-site production. This is set to include work on mining’s route to net zero via a collaborative New Energy Zone on site where the industry will be able to advance work on everything from the marriage of automation with electrification; to charging infrastructure and energy storage and distribution.  

Surface Mining

Short-Term Emission Wins Today

In this together

Renae Muller
General Manager
Hitachi Construction Machinery
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In this together: As a leading, global mining OEM, Hitachi Construction Machinery is playing an important role in contributing towards realising a safe and sustainable society. We acknowledge that each of our customers is different, with each having their own set of challenges to face when it comes to realising their zero emissions goals towards 2030 and beyond. These challenges include economics, power management, change management, site capability and mine planning – just to name a few. We realise that the road to zero is a journey and not a sprint; a perfect, one-size-fits-all solution does not exist for all customers. As an OEM we have the ability to provide the industry with certain solutions to meet these challenges, but as an industry, the bigger issue is, ‘where is the energy source coming from?’ That’s why we recognise that we are all in this together – to collaborate and work with industry partners and our customers to understand how we can support their journey to achieve both emissions wins now with the equipment they have on the ground today, while looking ahead to develop the solutions to meet tomorrow’s goals. 

Underground Mining

Reasons and routes to Electrify

Navigating the complexities of mine electrification and digitalisation

Ben Frazer
Global Business Development Manager, Grid Automation
Hitachi Energy
Owen Keates
AVP, Consulting and Advisory, Australia and New Zealand
Hitachi Digital Services

Navigating the complexities of mine electrification and digitalisation: Electrification and digitalisation of mining operations are crucial for efficiency, safety and sustainability. Electrical transition is complex, with factors such as the maturity of grids, renewable & energy storage integration, charging stations and the transition to electric mining vehicles to be considered, especially for underground mining operations. Digitalisation provides opportunities to leverage IoT technologies, enabling autonomous electric vehicles utilising advanced sensors, data analytics and artificial intelligence to optimise operations, determine optimal electrification investment strategies and understand the carbon position today and into the future. The specific geometries of individual underground mining operations make navigating these complexities to develop a roadmap towards mine electrification and digitalisation challenging. Tools such as digital twins provide a means to model and simulate phases of electrification, transition periods of working with hybrid mining vehicles and ultimately the fully electrified mine. This presentation will present a methodology for evaluating the various options and building your individual roadmap.

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Surface Mining

Prototypes, Pilots and Learnings

Battery electric retrofits in the 100-ton truck class

Clayton Franklin
Founder and CEO

Battery electric retrofits in the 100-ton truck class: EPCA was founded in 2021 with the vision of becoming a significant driving force in the reduction of the mining industry’s carbon footprint by providing world-class electrification solutions. EPCA takes existing diesel-powered mining equipment and converts them into full battery-electric vehicles (BEV), which not only contributes to zero-emission mining but also realise significant reductions in operating and maintenance costs. EPCA’s flagship project is concept proofing the design, build and commissioning of a retrofitted 100 ton diesel mining truck into a full BEV. During his presentation, Clayton will unveil some learnings from this project and further details on how the world’s highest energy density battery-electric truck can provide eight hours of runtime, recharge in 50 minutes, provide more power and have a higher torque at standstill.

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Underground Mining

Incremental change: Hybrids, eLVs and more

Navigating the shift to electrified mining: critical considerations for mines of the future

Rudie Boshoff
Vice President, Hard Rock Business Development
Komatsu Mining

Navigating the shift to electrified mining: As the mining industry increasingly moves toward an electrified future, mining organisations must carefully navigate a few key elements to ensure a successful transition. Comprehensive review of mine design is essential, whether building on a new greenfield site or retrofitting an existing brownfield operation. Thoughtful integration of emerging fuel technologies, such as battery and hydrogen power, as well as other electrified equipment and supporting infrastructure, is critical. The competency and training of the workforce must be prioritised. Existing teams cannot simply be expected to adapt to new electrified systems – upskilling and dedicated programs are necessary. Finally, safety must be at the foundation of everything. While electrified equipment introduces new technologies, proper management can ensure these systems are no less safe than traditional fossil fuel-powered counterparts. By addressing mine design, workforce preparedness and safety as interrelated priorities, mining companies can successfully navigate the shift toward a more sustainable, electrified future.

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Surface Mining

Prototypes, Pilots and Learnings

Powering progress: ABB and Nuh Cement's zero emission dump truck

Fabiana Cavalcante
Head of Mobile e-Power
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Powering progress: ABB and Nuh Cement's zero emission dump truck: EPCA Dr Fabiana Cavalcante, Head of Mobile e-Power at ABB’s Traction division, will reveal the groundbreaking collaboration between ABB and Nuh Cement, resulting in the complete electrification of a haul truck. Witnessing this achievement first hand, attendees will be treated to compelling video testimonial from Nuh Cement’s CEO, Kamil Gökhan Bozkurt, along with his insights about this key project. With ABB’s Traction division boasting an extensive product offering, tailored solutions ensure peak performance and efficiency for each vehicle. The partnership with Nuh Cement serves as a shining example, underscoring ABB’s capability to retrofit diesel-powered vehicles with fully electric solutions – a milestone with far-reaching implications for the mining industry. This successful transformation of a 30-year-old vehicle into a net-zero dump truck sets a precedent for sustainable mining practices worldwide. Explore this landmark project and more during Fabiana’s presentation, as she delves into the future of electrification in mining.

Underground Mining

Incremental change: Hybrids, eLVs and more

Accelerate the transformation - electrification as a means to decarbonisation

Jérôme Cloué
Vice President Electrification

Accelerate the transformation: To fast-track the green revolution, we must collectively embrace electrification as a critical pathway to decarbonisation. The mining industry has a pivotal role to play, and collaboration among all stakeholders is crucial to accelerate this transformation. At Epiroc, we understand the complex interdependencies that electrification entails. That is why we have adopted an ecosystem approach, partnering with our customers to navigate the decarbonisation journey together. Transitioning to electric mining involves more than just replacing diesel machines with electric ones. It is a holistic transformation that includes supplying the mine site with green energy, designing appropriate infrastructure and power storage solutions, and managing the change through reskilling and recruitment of competent personnel. Achieving this transformation requires collaboration among mining companies, OEMs, energy providers and other stakeholders. By sharing knowledge, innovations and best practices, we can empower the mining industry to thrive sustainably. Embracing green mining practices is not just a moral imperative; it also offers a more profitable and sustainable future for the industry. Join Jérôme Cloué in this keynote presentation to learn how Epiroc is accelerating the transformation towards a decarbonised society through electrification. Together, we can create a more environmentally responsible, profitable, and attractive mining industry that contributes significantly to the global push towards a low-carbon future.

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Surface Mining

Prototypes, Pilots and Learnings

Zero emission mobility for mines

Jukka Koponen
Sleipner Finland Oy

Zero emission mobility for mines: Sleipner Finland Oy, providing innovative solutions for mines and quarries since 1996, will be presenting the future of mobility solutions. This revolutionary innovation will be the answer for growing industry needs to improve productivity and reduce CO2 emissions. BEV mobility and support are key resources for reaching the ambitious targets the mining industry is striving to achieve by 2050. With our game-changing solution, we will fully support our customers’ decarbonisation projects and the need to address climate change.

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Underground Mining

Incremental change: Hybrids, eLVs and more

Steering through innovation: navigating challenges to leverage diesel-electric LHD benefits at Rosebery

Craig Singleton
Maintenance Manager - Operations
Andrew Flynn
Mine Manager, Rosebery

Steering through innovation: MMG took delivery of its first commercial Caterpillar R2900 XE diesel-electric loader at the Rosebery mine, in Tasmania, Australia, earlier this year, as part of its strategy to achieve the group’s net zero emission targets. The operation initially put a prototype vehicle to the test at Rosebery over a two-month period as part of Caterpillar field-follow trials conducted by several members of the Electric Mine Consortium (EMC), a growing group of leading mining and service companies, all of whom are driven by the imperative to accelerate progress towards the fully electrified zero CO2 and zero particulates mine. The results of this trial showed a significant reduction in emissions, 56% drop in fuel consumption and a 15% reduction in heat generation, MMG said. Following this, Rosebery mine has made a significant investment in three 18.5-t-payload R2900 XEs, machines built on the platform of Caterpillar’s most popular underground loader, the R2900G. During this presentation, Andrew and Craig will go in-depth on how the company leveraged EMC data to make a case for purchasing these loaders, outline the major change management elements associated with bringing diesel-electric loaders into a conventional diesel-powered fleet, and provide some preliminary operating data on the three loaders’ performance. They will also provide some context on how this diesel-electric loading project fits into the wider MMG net zero/decarbonisation plan.

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